Thursday, June 3, 2010

How To Get Floaties In Poptropica

Meeting (Chapter 6)

narrated by rosalie :

was hunting with esme in the afternoon we will go with alice to seattle to buy clothes and things for the house. Edward was not the same since that beautiful ness were trapped by the Volturi , it went in his room, but since I did not care did not pay much attention ...
Suddenly all my concentration was gone when we receive a beautiful, looked very bad, tena all clothing torn and was very weak ... suddenly collapsed and fell to the floor, Esme looked at me and I ran into beautiful.

-bella! "Esme cry and stood beside me and looked back at me

- esme we have to take the house quickly, is very bad and weak ...- said as he took a beautiful in her arms, she nodded

when we got home, we saw carlisle open the door ...

-stop on the couch the ...-
told us what happened? "I ask the to esme

-is found in the forest looked really bad and suddenly collapsed and fell to floor ... no more than that, "she said very concerned

, where this edward ?-ask-hearted

-here I am!" he said, suddenly appeared beside beautiful and added ° thanks ROSS ¨

-nothing "I told him that minute and beautiful began to move and say strange things, suddenly opened his eyes and hugged

edward-love you all right - very worried
"I have fear," she said very scared

-all are safe okay love ...- replied while calming

nessie not right, she is suffering, he treated me very badly and said it was not his mother and never will .... He said as he hugged edward and kissed her forehead ...

-everything will happen! is only upset that's all ... I would echo understand the same in his place! "I said and climbed the stairs to the room ...

is that the chapter is short but I'll post a longer one is that I have tests and assignments at school .... I hope you enjoy my blog and can recommend something or ask me to get to know other blogs I do enchanted .... kisses!


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