Friday, June 11, 2010
How Many Caliries In A Chinese
girls I'm a bit behind the blog is that I had a lot of tests and assignments, but as soon as I upload 2 Capys gold reward and recommendations I read blogs that are super good. I hope you enjoy my blog and if you want change something or do not like something avic pliz!
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Body System Affected By Malaria
narrated by bella: Eward
took me to the cabin so she could rest, all that was happening could not be true, is it ever going to be happy? It my fate to be unhappy? Edward I left on the floor and I look into your eyes ...
-love, everything will happen, "he said and kissed me
" I do not think that happens, ness is very hurt and no longer wants me I'm the worst mother there in the land fas! Le shouted with great sorrow and then hug him if I could mourn his shirt and be all wet
-you're not a bitch, beautiful, "he said looking into my eyes
-SI!, if I am, "he said with a voice thread
-no, not unlike you're the best mother and wife that existed in the world," he said hugging
was very sad, I separated from him and from heading home to our room, when I pull body to bed and stayed there, spent many hours talking to edward I aviation for the last time, only dedicated burn while fighting to the death penalty would not let me alone. .. Edward stood from the bed and took his phone and dialed a number who do they call? and just when you speak and answer iva ¨ said Alice, SEE YA! ¨, ¨ REPIDO NOS TIME TO EXPLAIN, JUST COME! ¨, not to worry because nothing was the same all I wanted was to return my little ... all I wanted at this moment was telling the truth and not lie over and forgiven me because I could not live cn this suffering and if necessary ria to Italy I would go no matter what .. . derrepente enter alice listen or I think, but inportava right? ...
-QUE! - Alice cry after me wanted to tell husband what I was
as-is in the room, and nose what else to do what you said ...- ju alice edward but I interrupted and said ¨ Leave it MY ¨ and entered the room ....
-passing beautiful? "She said in her soprano voice and I did as if I talked ubiera
agas the deaf do not me that is not going to work so I better answer-I said a little angry ... did not like to not listen and I think it was a miracle that no alla alla been furious and yelled at me
-is nothing seriously, "I said trying my best dicimular Improvising
voice-beautiful you are bad actress, I'll take you we were passive and set off to walk around with girls center that will make you better go .... please please! "he said and took my hand ...
-please! "I followed dulse incistiendo your voice and I knew that at last she Saldia winning ...
-this, but the two ma going to pay! and we are listening ...- edward said and looked out the bedroom door
"Sorry love," and my job that I liked the smile
we ran into the big house, had no mood for anything was very sad and felt as if the world were acabar.mi own daughter that I wanted could not be wilderness, this was the greatest sorrow that aviation lived, after a long time . we very quickly to the house, IVAM to come when alice and edward got rojidos, we turned around and we find them ...
-ness? "Said alice and edward
while she was in the midst of Alec, Stephen and was behind nahuel, Felix and Jane.
-if? "He said and took her hand to Alec
-Renesmee, baby back," said my husband as he watched, then we cease to be only three, because the whole family got together and got jake the edward side.
-love, nessie amazed jake said
-shut up bitch, she is mine! "Said Alec and kissed him
-ness get away from it! you heard me break your mouth sucking angry and jake said
jacob, you better not even think about touching it or I'll kill you with my own hands I heard! nessie-cry and everyone was silent
- nessie, love so you are not you? "said jake breaking the silence
-I'm not that silly girl who can play with their feelings," she said very coldly
ness-ness and said ...- I stepped forward but was very devil my shield and attacked me jane ...
-TU NO ME TALK! "Cry nessie
-Renesmee Carlie Cullen! do not try so I heard your mother, "my husband angry
-she is not my mother! and you are not my family, I always used "my-ness
...!!- Renesmee said but something crashed on my shield and broke, I felt like fire ran through my body, shouting that the most Fuste I ...
-jane .... sufisiente
nessie said "that's what ISISTAN" cried Edward, Renesmee
furious that happens to you, "cried Alice, Edward I stop and hand me bored and I habrazo
"You know very well, are all traitors, all tricked me especially your jacob black!-ness cry crying
-love calm down, I said ....- rosalie but nessie said the interumpio
-I loved you like a mother and cheated me! "said Rosalie
-I swear I did not know anything! Rose said
-ness, better deliver the message and we will, "said Alec
she nodded and looked at us all and jane
SAYS IT WILL COME FOR YOU BEAUTIFUL AND ALICE COME wait because he said and then come to my small and
habrazo-bye, "they said, I fell to the ground with his hands in his face, alice hug me and my husband by my side win-find
how to come back, I'm sure only have calm and faith, everything will happen, "said Esme
-only is suffering," said Carlisle
-si, but rebieta no! "Emmett said laughing to carcagadas
-shut up!" said Rosalie voice of grief, ran away
home-will better go, "my dear husband
-I need a minute," I said and ran.
This was not true, I ran in dissecting the south, following the trail of the Volturi, had a proposal to make insurance were far .... but if I have to go to Italy .... all for my little
Thursday, June 3, 2010
How To Get Floaties In Poptropica
narrated by rosalie :
was hunting with esme in the afternoon we will go with alice to seattle to buy clothes and things for the house. Edward was not the same since that beautiful ness were trapped by the Volturi , it went in his room, but since I did not care did not pay much attention ...
Suddenly all my concentration was gone when we receive a beautiful, looked very bad, tena all clothing torn and was very weak ... suddenly collapsed and fell to the floor, Esme looked at me and I ran into beautiful.
-bella! "Esme cry and stood beside me and looked back at me
- esme we have to take the house quickly, is very bad and weak ...- said as he took a beautiful in her arms, she nodded
when we got home, we saw carlisle open the door ...
-stop on the couch the ...-
told us what happened? "I ask the to esme
-is found in the forest looked really bad and suddenly collapsed and fell to floor ... no more than that, "she said very concerned
, where this edward ?-ask-hearted
-here I am!" he said, suddenly appeared beside beautiful and added ° thanks ROSS ¨
-nothing "I told him that minute and beautiful began to move and say strange things, suddenly opened his eyes and hugged
edward-love you all right - very worried
"I have fear," she said very scared
-all are safe okay love ...- replied while calming
nessie not right, she is suffering, he treated me very badly and said it was not his mother and never will .... He said as he hugged edward and kissed her forehead ...
-everything will happen! is only upset that's all ... I would echo understand the same in his place! "I said and climbed the stairs to the room ...
is that the chapter is short but I'll post a longer one is that I have tests and assignments at school .... I hope you enjoy my blog and can recommend something or ask me to get to know other blogs I do enchanted .... kisses!
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