Thursday, December 16, 2010

How Do A Abortion Paper Look

who are they? (Capitulo15)


wanted to be alone, and nothing mattered what I love is with cote and my mom was one of them one of the brides of jacob and I hurt but it hurt more: the fact that all these years I know what hidden nurse her and apologized to me why I do not care because I miss the fact, anyway, when nothing could go wrong I lost my baby.

did not know where it was all I saw was a flowery field and a lake in front of him ... I was so focused that I did not even realize where it could be ... I heard a loud noise behind me and look but do not try to stop me avia no ise but when I started to get dizzy and everything went dark nothingness.

--------------------------------------------- - 3 hours after

-like this? - said a voice in the distance which could not recognize

-do not know there was a big hit in the head, "said another voice in the distance

-wake up in 30 seconds," said a sweet voice and melodic

hear me, all this well, "said the first voice and felt a pressure lebe in my left hand

Comense the eye will slowly and gradually I esncontraba seeing where I was in a purple abitacion and had many people beside me looked was a little scared .. where am I? who are they? because I look so? some of them were pale as chalk and other dark and muscular

-ness look at me ... who are we? Said a man with brown hair and very white skin and her eyes were beautiful golden brown

-that's my name? -O sorry but I do not know who they are, "I said a little scared

-lost memory and unfortunately do not know how I feel it will last ..." said a man no more than 30 years and he brought things doctor when you told me it was

-that here? who are usteds?-ask
-mu you hit your head hard, we are your family they are carlisle esme your grandfather's wife, alice, jasper, rose and emmett your uncles and she is isabella ...-

-bella "She interrupts

-your mother and your father Edward I and they are the flock or part of it, Jacob, Embry, Quil and your friend Leah, Claire, Kim and Reachel said continuing the presentation

, you better let it sleep, "Dr Cullen

" I will stay, "said the boy named jacob

..- I do not think one began to say edward

jake-clear ... edward bella come, "said

all went and left me alone with this man and beautiful brown eyes james he had seen someone so cute and if so what reconseria.

-ness ... I ....- one began to say


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